Get to Know Your Grocery Butcher

“What would Carol Brady do?”

Yes, grocery stores still have butchers – the people in white lab coats, little white hats, and long red aprons. If you saw the movie Patch Adams you’d know that they bear a strong resemblance to actual doctors.

Anyway, your butcher can be your best friend at the grocery store. If you need a particular cut of meat, ask the butcher first. Usually the meat in the “meat case” is a little cheaper since it’s not packaged already, and it’s also fresh.  Check what’s on sale and look for specially prepared meats for dinner.

So when you need meat for a recipe ask yourself, “What would Carol Brady Do?” Well, she’d send Alice the housekeeper, to see Sam the butcher and get more meat for her six children and quirky husband. I mean, how did she cook in that tiny kitchen when the front living room was so huge? 

If Mr. Brady truly was an architect, he’d have Extreme Makeover: Home Edition come to the house and finally give those kids one more bathroom so they wouldn’t have to share. Growing up, my friend Susie and I had a big crush on Peter Brady – so you can imagine my dismay when I finally met Christopher Knight at a charity event in high school and realized he was a normal dude, with a creepy little mustache. Ick.



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